Who we are

Get to know us a bit more

Lurdes Narciso was born in January 2004, with the same team from Maria de Lurdes da Ponte Martins Narciso, the company that started fish exportation and frozen distribution, in February 12th of 1993.


Lauch of our new website
Lauch of our new website
Lauch of our new website Lurdes Narciso has launched its new website! Here you can find the ...

Fresh Products

Fishing: Great variety and quality of the Azorean sea.
Processing: Controlled and processed by our team of professionals.
Exportation: We export our products to every part of the world.


  • BULLS-EYE (Epigonus telescopus)

    Principal fishing methods: handline and bottom longline. Conservation status: local stocks appear to be healthy but, due to its biological charactheristics, they might be sensitive to an increase of the fishing effort. Datasheet: Ficha técnica (Escamuda)

  • GUELLY JACK (Pseudocaranx dentex)

    Principal fishing methods: handline. Conservation status: local stocks appear to be healthy. Datasheet: Ficha técnica (Encharéu)  

  • AZOREAN BARNACLE (Megabalanus azoricus)

    Principal fishing methods: gathering. Conservation status: azorean barnacles are overexploited in many coastal areas. Datasheet: Ficha técnica (Craca)

  • TUBERCULATE ABALONE (Haliotis coccinea)

    Principal fishing methods: gathering. Conservation status: known to be very sensitive to an intensive exploitation Datasheet: Ficha técnica (lapa-burra)

  • MEDITERRANEAN MORAY (Muraena helena)

    Principal fishing methods: handline and bottom longline. Conservation status: local stocks appear to be healthy. Datasheet: Ficha técnica (Moreia-pintada)

  • DUSKY GROUPER (Epinephelus marginatus)

    Principal fishing methods: handline and bottom longline. Conservation status: although restrictions have been enforced to prevent divers from spearfishing for dusky groupers in the Azores since 1983, there is still concern as to the status of this species. Datasheet: Ficha técnica (Mero)


    Principal fishing methods: gathering and trap fish. Conservation status: Mediterranean slipper lobsters have a minimum commercial size of 17 cm (measured from the eye to the root of the tail) and a closed season between May 1st and August 31st has been implemented. This species is overexploited in some areas. Datasheet: Ficha técnica (Cavaco)

    39,00 Adicionar
  • SALEMA (Sarpa salpa)

    Principal fishing methods: tangle netting. Conservation status: although local stocks appear to be healthy, salemas have been allocated a minimum commercial size of 18 cm in accordance with national legislation. Datasheet: Ficha técnica (Salema)  

  • GREATER AMBERJACK (Seriola dumerili)

    Principal fishing methods: coastal pole-and-line and trolling with live bait. Conservation status: atlantic stocks appear to be healthy. Datasheet: Ficha técnica (Lírio)

  • CONGER EEL (Conger conger)

    Principal fishing methods: handline and bottom longline. Conservation status: there is no immediate concern as to the status of this species in the Azores however, locally caught conger eels have been allocated a minimum commercial size of 58 cm, according to national legislation. Datasheet: Ficha técnica (Congro)

  • BLUEFISH (Pomatomus saltatrix)

    Principal fishing methods: coastal trolling and coastal pole-and-line fishing. Conservation status: atlantic stocks appear to be healthy. Datasheet: Ficha técnica (Anchova)

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  • SCORPIONFISH (Scorpaena scrofa)

    Principal fishing methods: handline and bottom longline. Conservation status: although local stocks appear to be healthy, this species may prove sensitive as fishing effort increases. Datasheet: Ficha técnica (Rocaz)

